Tuesday, September 27, 2011

"So Long" September

Here I go again, declaring how fast time flies.  I realize I say that almost every time I post, but this is simply true in my life.   September is now almost over, and it has been adventuresome.

Several weeks ago Brittney had to travel to Seattle for her work to attend a conference there.  Camille had a free ticket on Southwest that expired soon.   And wait!  I am only 4.5 hours away, and could actually drive over there, so we decided to make it a girls' weekend.  We spent several days exploring downtown Seattle--shopping, eating, walking, shopping, eating, walking, repeat.  It was great to be with the girlies and have no agenda.
Brittney was the only one with a camera, so she is the photographer.  On the left is Camille and I at Pike's Place. 
The picture on the right is my favorite.  It was taken on Bainbridge Island.
 Very wise words--"Call your Mom!  Be a good kid."

The very next week I had plans to travel to Utah for a few days for several events.  The main reason was to meet up with Brent's family (The McLaws) for our bi-annual reunion.  It just so happens that I was able to be there as well to see Stuart and Fictionist play at the Velour in honor of their recent signing to Atlantic Records!  The concert was absolutely amazing.  I haven't seen the band play live for a while, and I was completely blown away.  It was a great evening, and I am so proud of Stu and Brittney and so excited for them and whatever the future may hold.  All those years of hard work are finally paying off.  We are looking forward to Fictionist's bright future.

These are pictures from that night at the Velour.  One happy sidenote:  On the bottom left Camille is sitting with Megan McWhorter, my niece.  She came to the concert, and just 2 days later delivered a beautiful baby boy--Lincoln!  He came 2 weeks early, but it was so awesome to be able to be there to meet the new little guy.  Congratulations to her and her husband, Sean.

As I mentioned, the McLaws' had planned a mini-reunion that weekend.  Brent has been crazy-busy these past few weeks with work/bishop/etc.  He had planned to join us on Friday, but to no one's surprise, was unable to make it.  Work was to blame, and actually it really wasn't his fault (this time!)  He had to wait for product that was several days late.  Anyway. . . on Friday night he was able to join us, sort of!  Notice Brent on the screen "skypeing" everyone at the party.  Gotta love technology.  On the right is Camille and Monique, Brent's youngest sister.  She is awesome!  It was so great to see her.

Saturday was the big activity.  A McLaws' reunion always revolves around some event.  In the past we have done things like river rafted, biked the Hiawatha, boated/water skied and snow skied.  This year we all signed up for the Dirty Dash Mud Run--a 10K Run/Obstacle Course at Soldier Hollow in Park City.  It was quite the event.  Thousands of people did this "run" through mud, swamps, trails, strength and balance challenges, etc.  I have never been dirtier in my life!  I was amazed that nobody got hurt as you were slipping and sliding through mud so much of the time. 

From left to right:  Stuart and Brittney after the race,  Jace and I, and Jace alone in a close-up.  Before crossing the finish line we all waded through a waist high pond of mud.  Jace actually "dove" in and had mud in his eyes and teeth.  There really was mud everywhere!  We didn't even bother to keep our shoes but donated them to charity at the end of the race.

The last several weeks have been crazy busy, but lots of fun. 
  I love spending time with family and making
wonderful memories together. 
Sayonara September! You've been great!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nine Eleven

In July of 2000 our family took a vacation to the east coast.  We visited New York City, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Palmyra and The Sacred Grove and other church history sites.   Brent actually lived in White Plains, NY during his teen years.  In many ways it was a "Let-Dad-Show-You-Where-I-Lived" tour.  He took us to his old neighborhood and old high school.  It helped to have visuals of all the great "Brent Stories" we've heard for years.

This photo is one that I now cherish.  It was only 14 months later that the world changed forever on 9/11/01.  Being a Utah girl, and only a visitor to the east coast, I'll admit that watching the footage on TV that day seemed surreal.  New York City was in many ways like a foreign place to me.  However, I watched with a new kind of sadness in my heart because I remembered fondly our vacation the summer before.  We had climbed the Empire State Building and walked the streets of Times Square.  We visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and were able to snap this picture of us with the Twin Towers in the background.  

A lot has transpired in 10 years--just look at the picture.  The landscape has changed, and I dare say we have all grown up in more ways than one.  I often say how fast time flies and things change, but one thing that will never ever change is the great blessing we have of being Americans, of living in a country where we have freedoms and liberty.  I am grateful for all those men and women who have and continue to make this possible for us all.  Our Heavenly Father gave us this country and we know he is in charge.  May we always be grateful, be vigilant, be courageous.  May we never forget.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

As Summer Ends

September has arrived, Labor Day has come and gone, and so in an effort to summerize the season (get it?  "summarize!!"), allow me to elaborate on a few events and thoughts.  I really really really love summer.  Actually, I do enjoy the seasons, and know I truly would miss any of them, but I have to admit that summer is my favorite.  Summer came late this year to the northwest.  We had a cool June, so in my book it wasn't really here until July.  So far September looks to be fabulous. . . we have high 80's, low 90's forecast for the next 10 days, so I think Mother Nature has her dates a little off.  It looks like September is the new August.  When I consider the wacky weather all over the world it's apparent that this anomaly isn't regional.  I love sunshine, so I'm not complaining.

Yesterday, Labor Day, we participated in our Stake's annual Labor Day 5K Fun Run.  I've run it every year for the past 15 years.  It seems that my time is pretty much the same every year.  I know I've slowed down a bit, but I think I turn it up a notch during this race.  After all, my goal is to beat Brent, and I managed to best him by a minute this year!  It's really kind of aggravating that he runs about twice a month while I go almost every day--but oh well, at least he's in shape enough to do that!  I tease him that he gets his training in every day when he paces as he talks on the phone.  Some days I swear he logs at least 3 miles. 

Aren't we cute in our matching outfits?  I got dressed first, and we didn't even realize it
until we were in the car headed to the race.  Pretty funny.
In my previous post I paid tribute to Lisa and her family.  As this blog is also my journal, I want to add a few thoughts here.  Lisa passed away on August 12th.  Jace and I left Spokane on August 18th for Utah (Brent followed several days later).   We had planned to leave the following week to take him back down to BYU, but of course our schedule was moved up.  The funeral services for Lisa were both heartbreaking and uplifting.   Tears flowed easily as we remembered her, honored her, and continued to learn from her as she was remembered.  Her sister, brothers, and all of her children shared their love for Lisa in beautiful tributes.  It's hard to imagine that she is no longer here on this earth, but it is not hard to imagine Lisa in heaven. She is the definition of an angel. 

One of the ironic silver linings surrounding death is that it gives the living an opportunity to renew relationships and to see family and friends that we've missed. It was nice to see cousins, family and friends I haven't seen in so long. The doctrine of the family is so beautiful. . . our Heavenly Father's plan is divine.

On the left is my Mom and her twin sister, Aunt Lois.  You can see the resemblance easily. My poor Mom was heartbroken and it was a pretty hot afternoon.  Such an emotional time.
On the right is my cousin Teria, Lois' daughter.
Teria came up from Las Vegas with her Mom (who flew in from North Carolina) to support Jerry.
It is always great to see them both.

On the left is Jace and his cousin, Melissa.  She is Lisa and Jerry's 2nd daughter.  She leaves tomorrow for a mission
to Warsaw, Poland!  She will be one awesome missionary!
 Melissa is so like her Mom--tiny and petite with a BIG heart and spirit.
 On the right is Brent and my oldest Brother, Craig.  They are only 5 days apart in age.
 Pretty handsome dudes for some old guys, uh?
After that first weekend Jace and I headed to Richfield for a few days.  Jace went golfing and fishing with Grandpa, which he enjoyed very much, and Mom and I made our trip to Walmart.  On Tuesday we moved Jace into his apartment at The Colony south of campus.  We made it to the BYU Bookstore and bought groceries too, so I guess he's set--he has a bed, books and food--what more does he need??  Oh yeah, we also met lots of friends and mission buds.  He didn't waste any time getting into the groove of life as a single guy in P-town.

I also was able to help Brittney and Camille and bit.  Brittney was getting their basement apartment ready for new renters, so we thoroughly cleaned a bathroom and retiled a kitchen floor.  So fun.  I've never seen so much stuff for 4 single guys. . . and they say girls have stuff!  I also helped Camille paint her family room in their new home.  She finally found the perfect color.  Of course there was also time for lunches, shopping, a movie, and just good ol' chill time.  It was great seeing all of my kids every day.

On Saturday we had a baby shower for Megan (Jerry's oldest daughter) who is having her baby the first week of October.  She received so many nice things from her friends and family!  Wow, I am constantly amazed at all the cool baby stuff there is out there these days.  Its a wonder my children even survived without all the gadgetry.  I'm saving my money now--when "grandmotherhood" comes around, I'm going to go crazy! 

Megan and her gifts!  Sitting by her is McKayla, the youngest.  She's equally awesome!  BTW, the baby that Brittney is holding is the daughter of my other niece, Megan Hammond.  Brittney was watching Frankie Jane that day. 
The last day there, Sunday, was Melissa's farewell for her mission.  There was another lovely dinner hosted by their Stake/Ward/Neighbors.  The service that has been extended to Jerry's family is commendable.  They have been such an example to me.  We all thank them so much.

So as I reflect on this summer, it's been one of joy and good times, and also one of sadness and grief.
  I guess it's been like life in general.  I've thought alot about the power of love, and how it evokes the deepest most intense feelings.  Because we love we feel joy, and because we love,
we feel heartache.  It's that "opposition in all things" doctrine that can be so hard sometimes. 
I'm so thankful for the atonement, for faith, hope and charity.
 And ultimately, I'm grateful for family, because family is where it's at. 
Family is everything. 
I am so blessed.


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