Sunday, September 11, 2011

Nine Eleven

In July of 2000 our family took a vacation to the east coast.  We visited New York City, Washington DC, Niagara Falls, Palmyra and The Sacred Grove and other church history sites.   Brent actually lived in White Plains, NY during his teen years.  In many ways it was a "Let-Dad-Show-You-Where-I-Lived" tour.  He took us to his old neighborhood and old high school.  It helped to have visuals of all the great "Brent Stories" we've heard for years.

This photo is one that I now cherish.  It was only 14 months later that the world changed forever on 9/11/01.  Being a Utah girl, and only a visitor to the east coast, I'll admit that watching the footage on TV that day seemed surreal.  New York City was in many ways like a foreign place to me.  However, I watched with a new kind of sadness in my heart because I remembered fondly our vacation the summer before.  We had climbed the Empire State Building and walked the streets of Times Square.  We visited the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island and were able to snap this picture of us with the Twin Towers in the background.  

A lot has transpired in 10 years--just look at the picture.  The landscape has changed, and I dare say we have all grown up in more ways than one.  I often say how fast time flies and things change, but one thing that will never ever change is the great blessing we have of being Americans, of living in a country where we have freedoms and liberty.  I am grateful for all those men and women who have and continue to make this possible for us all.  Our Heavenly Father gave us this country and we know he is in charge.  May we always be grateful, be vigilant, be courageous.  May we never forget.


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